Inconveniently $crewed

Climate change catastrophe looms. It is not a catastrophe of weather, greenhouse gas, or “global” temperature. It is an economic catastrophe, a creature of partial truths and outright lies that have come to constitute “Official” Science. Skyrocketing Hydro bills, exorbitant taxes, and unsustainable debt is the legacy of our war on Earth’s climate.

Real Science lights the way out of the abyss. This book is Real Science. Be enlightened!

To purchase books, please contact the author.

E-mail: [email protected]

About the Author


  • Born in London, Ontario
  • Raised in Dorchester
  • B.Sc. (Biology major), UWO
  • Private Pilot
  • Belmont resident since 1980

  • Employment

  • Safety Officer
  • Quality Manager
  • Senior Data Analyst (Healthcare Consulting)
  • Supply chain logistics: courier, truckload, LTL, Just-In-Time, expedite, intermodal, pool car forwarding, special commodities, warehouse setup and management.
  • Author’s Personal Perspective

    Every benefit comes at a cost. Like dentistry and road construction, climate change is always inconvenient, often expensive, and occasionally downright painful. Without dentistry and road construction we’d all be slogging through dirt and mud with rotten teeth and bad breath; so, I willingly endure the inconveniences, costs and discomforts in exchange for the greater long term benefits. Ditto for climate change. Billions of years of continuous climate change has been critically essential to evolution and continuing existence of complex life on Earth. Humans contribute to climate change, as do all living things. If climate change were to stop, most life on Earth would perish. Instead of trying to stop climate change, we should try to better understand it to learn how to adapt to it. Read the book; you’ll understand…

    Chapter Summaries

    Part 1: Perspectives and Perceptions

    Chapter 1 – Foreword. Introduces the author, brief biography, perspective on climate and climate change.
    Chapter 2 – Mythperceptions. The politics (“Official” Science) of climate change.
    Chapter 3 – An Antidote to CO2 Terrorism. Conquering our fear of Carbon Dioxide.
    Chapter 4 – Climate Change Psychology. The climate change and climate change debate dichotomy.
    Chapter 5 – Pseudologic. Seemingly related facts presented in such a way as to reach any desired conclusion.
    Chapter 6 – The Faculty of Critical Thinking. Real logic critically applied to arrive at the truth in false but superficially plausible situations.
    Chapter 7 – Belief vs Programming. Beliefs based on well reasoned conclusions versus mental programming.
    Chapter 8 – Filling in the Blanks. Folly in reaching reasonable sounding, but incorrect, conclusions when one is told only part of a story.
    Chapter 9 – Frames of Reference. How our senses deceive us into believing things that are not true.
    Chapter 10 – Questions of Significance. How significance relates to the climate change discussion.
    Chapter 11 – Climate Cultism. Climate change as religion.
    Chapter 12 – Who Do You Trust? Disturbing revelations about the validity of peer reviewed publications.

    Part 2: The Things That Matter

    Chapter 13 – Occam’s Razor – Dateline Antarctica. The KISS principle in the philosophy of Occam’s Razor applied to the situation in and around Antarctica.
    Chapter 14 – The Most Important Element. It’s not Carbon.
    Chapter 15 – The Inverse Square Law. A simple law of physics with major implications for climate.
    Chapter 16 – Time. Human perceptions of time versus geologic time relevant to climate change.
    Chapter 17 – The Sun. Gravity, ionizing radiation and other solar influences on Earth’s climate.
    Chapter 18 – Shields Up! An exploration of Earth’s magnetic field.
    Chapter 19 – A Wobbly Eccentric. Introduces Earth’s unique relationship to the sun and other planets.
    Chapter 20 – Gas Giants and Rocky Worlds. Climatic implications of different types of planets in Sol System.
    Chapter 21 – Visiting the Neighbours. Climate comparisons and contrasts: Venus, Earth and Mars.
    Chapter 22 – Carbon, Carbon Everywhere. Carbon histories of Venus and Earth. What it would really take to make Earth like Venus.
    Chapter 23 – Boiling the Ocean. Examines lunar influences on Earth’s climate.
    Chapter 24 – Air. Surprising characteristics of air and implications for climate.
    Chapter 25 – The Root Cause of Weather. It’s not about greenhouse gases.
    Chapter 26 – Ancient Lessons: Unfinished Homework. Ancient undersea cities have taught us nothing.
    Chapter 27 – The Most Precious Substance on Earth. A surprise. Rare and precious are not the same.
    Chapter 28 – A Brief Natural History of Earth. Supercontinents, ice ages, mass extinction events, volcanism and other significant events. Not knowing where we’ve been, we cannot know where we’re going.
    Chapter 29 – The Atmosphere. A multi-layered exploration. There’s a lot more to it than air.
    Chapter 30 – Ups and Downs of Plate Tectonics. Is it sea levels that are changing, or land levels?
    Chapter 31 – Checks and Balances. Why a runaway greenhouse effect cannot happen on Earth.
    Chapter 32 – Bugs and Beasts. Climatic implications of methane production by termites and ungulates.
    Chapter 33 – No Scotch for Amasia. Problems in the peatlands.
    Chapter 34 – Milankovitch Cycles. Long term climatic trends revealed by the studies of Milutin Milanković.
    Chapter 35 – What Else Matters? Other subjects being investigated for possible climatic effects.

    Part 3: Wrapping It Up

    Chapter 36 – Alternate Realities. Why the fantasy of the “carbon free” society will be forever elusive.
    Chapter 37 – Deniers. A contrary perspective on who the real “Deniers” are.
    Chapter 38 – What? Me, Worry? Real threats for those who need to worry about something.
    Chapter 39 – Parting Thoughts. A summary review of key points and conclusions.
    Chapter 40 – What Shall We Do? More sensible strategies than waging war on Earth’s climate.
    Chapter 41 – How to Stop Climate Change. A simple five step process to actually stop climate change.
    Chapter 42 – A Last Word. Advice for those who didn’t get the message.

    Sample Readings


    “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Benjamin Franklin, Letter to Jean Baptiste Le Roy, 13 Nov. 1789
    Well, nobody is perfect after all. Ben missed Climate Change but in fairness it wasn’t the politicized, polarized, economized, commercially packaged commodity in his day that it has become in our time. Benjamin Franklin and his cohorts, being well-educated intelligent people, probably took climate change as a self-evident “given” to the extent that commenting on it as though we could influence it would have been thought foolish to them. The sun rising in the east and setting in the west is also a reasonable certainty and he didn’t make special note of that, either. Both those things will continue to happen as long as the Earth and sun continue to exist in their present relationship with one another. After that there won’t be anybody here to fret about it.

    Percentage Perfidy

    A pub owner locally famous for his rabbit stew is on trial, charged with putting horse meat in his rabbit stew. The judge, reminding him that he’s under oath, asks if he does, in fact, put horse meat in his rabbit stew. The pub owner reluctantly admits that he does, explaining that, pound for pound, horse meat is much less expensive than rabbit meat and, energy costs being what they are nowadays, he has had to cut corners to stay in business. The rest of the conversation goes like this:
    Judge: How much horse meat do you put in your rabbit stew?
    Pub Owner: (squirming a bit): Er… fifty-fifty, your worship.
    Judge: Fifty-fifty is just another way of stating a percentage. I am not interested in knowing percentages. I want to know in absolute terms how much horse meat you put in your rabbit stew.
    Pub Owner: (chagrined now): Alright! Fifty-Fifty: One rabbit, one horse!
    Cha-ching! One conviction, one hefty fine. If we “do the math” on the mass of a horse versus that of a rabbit we discover that this pub owner’s “rabbit” stew consists of about 99.5% horse meat. But, because he can prove that there is, in fact, rabbit meat in there somewhere – the other one half of one percent – it stays on the menu as “Rabbit Stew”. In considering all the factors that drive climate on Earth, we can indeed prove that CO2 is in there somewhere. It’s equivalent to the rabbit meat portion of this pub owner’s horse meat stew but it stays on the menu as the prime ingredient in climate change because that’s what the climate change pub owners want you to believe.

    An Antidote to CO2 Terrorism

    “So first of all let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself – nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes the needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.” Franklin Delano Roosevelt And that sums up exactly where we presently stand with regard to greenhouse gas and climate change. Fear of greenhouse gas has instilled in our society such unreasoning, unjustified terror that we stand as paralyzed before it as deer caught in headlights, frozen in place, mesmerized by the bright light, completely oblivious to the real danger – the mass of the vehicle behind the light, bearing down on us at high velocity. The light won’t hurt us. The vehicle will kill us; but we perceive danger only in the light. Metaphorically, the blinding light is greenhouse gas and the vehicle is a truckload of orbital dynamics, solar activity, plate tectonics, coronal mass ejections, and numerous other much more influential factors we’re essentially ignoring and, hence, not attempting to formulate survival strategies for when they do hit us.

    In the News!

    Featured on the Just Right Media YouTube Channel

    Interviewed on Just Right Media episode #447 – Author of Climate Hope

    Interviewed on Just Right Media episode #464 – Expertly fooled on climate change

    Interviewed on Just Right Media episode #476 – Climate change’s CO2 diversion

    Interviewed on Just Right Media episode #490 – Climate change crisis: What are the odds?

    Interviewed on Just Right Media episode #522 – The greenhouse defect

    Interviewed on Just Right Media episode #579 – The frozen debate on climate change

    Interviewed on Just Right Media episode #637 – Climate Change BS — Weathering the political climate crisis

    Purchase the Inconveniently Screwed Book

    To purchase books, please contact the author.

    Email: [email protected]

    New Book!

    Climate Essentials

    Part 1: Climate B.S. (Bad Science)

    • The Cost of “Official” Science (PP 4-5)
      • Hockey Sticks vs Climate Reality (PP 6-7)
      • Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions (PP 8-9)
      • Positives & Negatives: Feedback Loops (PP 10-11)
      • Fantasy: The Greenhouse Effect (Pg 12)
      • The Myth of Global Temperature (Pg 13)
      • The Trouble with Models (Pg 14)
      • Negative Proof Fallacy (Pg 15)
    Climate Essentials

    Part 2: Geology

    • Where Has All the Carbon Gone? (PP 17-18)
    •   Large Igneous Provinces (PP 19-20)
    •   The Mid-Ocean Ridge (PP 21-22)

    Part 3: Sea Levels

    • Tectonic Subduction (PP 24-25)
      • Volcanic Subsidence (PP 26-27)
      • Isostatic Rebound (Pg 28)
      • Oceans Evaporating to Space (Pg 29)

    Part 4: Atmospheric Factors

    • The Myth of “Global” GHG (PP 31-32)
      • Orographic Lift (PP 33-34)

    Part 5: Extraterrestrial Factors

    • Our Solar System (Pg 36)
      • Venus: The “Sister Planet” Myth (PP 37-38)
      • Carbon, Heat and Distance (PP 39-41)
      • Milankovitch Cycles (PP 42-45)

    Part 6: Miscellany (5 Pages)

    • African Humid Periods (Pg 47)
      • Urban Heat Islands (PP 47-48)
      • Antarctic Ice Canyons (PP48-49)
      • The Population Problem (PP 49-50)
      • Indoctrination Replaces Education (PP 50-51)
      • Next Stop: We’ve been here before (Pg 51)

    Buy Climate Essentials Now

    To purchase books, please contact the author.
    E-mail: [email protected]